In the world of mathematics outreach, it’s always prime time Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinJanuary 7, 2025mathematics outreach, popular science writing, prime numbers, record primes, GIMPS
The mathematician who—incidentally—helped mathematicians to stop worrying and love the computer. Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinDecember 3, 2024computers and mathematics, TeX, LaTeX, computer algebra systems
The (very) tricky math of detecting gerrymandering in election districts Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinNovember 5, 2024election math, gerrymandering, fairness in voting, math and democracy
The Shifting Sands of Algebra Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinOctober 1, 2024algebra, history of mathematics, history of algebra, meaning of algebra
What is the Most Valuable Benefit You Got from Becoming a Mathematician? Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinSeptember 3, 2024Fields Medal, global mathematics community, mathematics education, mathematical truth
Algebra. It's powerful. But it's not what it was Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinAugust 6, 2024arithmetic, algebra, al-Khwarizmi, Descartes, Fermat, Viete
Math Skill is a Civil Right – The movie Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinJuly 2, 2024math movies, math documentaries, Vicki Abeles, Bob Moses, high stakes testing, math anxiety, standardized tests, math in society
What is the Most Important Skill Mathematicians Bring to Collaborative Work on a Wicked Problem? Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinJune 4, 2024wicked problems, collaborative research, implicit knowledge
Mathematical Models – Useful But Often False Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinMay 7, 2024mathematical model, mathematical truth, mathematics and the world
What’s it like to be a student in my class? Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinApril 2, 2024mathematics technologies, non-STEM math education, wicked problem, student perceptions
How Will the New AI Impact Mathematics Research? Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinMarch 5, 2024artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Turing, John MCarthy, Hubert Dreyfus, mathematical thinking
How did human beings acquire the ability to do mathematics? Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinFebruary 6, 2024evolution of mathematics
Counting Back in Hundreds Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinJanuary 2, 2024Banach-Tarski theorem, Hilbert's Hotel, Insolubility of the quintic, Fibonacci sequence, golden ratio, logarithms
Fifty Years of Integer Sequences Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinDecember 1, 2023integer sequences, Neil Sloane
What's the Best Way to Teach Calculus? Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinNovember 1, 2023calculus, calculus instruction, active learning, lecture-based instruction
New "DEVLIN’S ANGLE" Archive Goes Live Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinOctober 1, 2023File not found, Devlin's Angle, Devlin's Angle archive
Attend to Precision. Why? Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinSeptember 1, 2023Common Core, Mathematical Practices
California Passes its New K-12 Mathematics Framework Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinAugust 1, 2023California Mathematics Framework, PISA 2022, K-12 math education, NSF, DEI in education, diversity, equity
ChatGPT: for Mathematicians, a Tool in Search of Good Applications Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinJuly 1, 2023AI, ChatGPT, educational technology, computers and mamthematics
When Patterns Mislead Devlin's AngleKeith DevlinJune 1, 2023ChatGPT, Wolfram Alpha, assessment, math assessment, Rodney Brooks, Conrad Wolfram, AI